Monday, January 17, 2011


Getting what you want is easy. It requires only one simple trick. Be honest.

*Be honest with yourself! Know what you want. Be sincere about it. Don't get caught up in what others think you should do, should be, should act, should speak...get caught up in YOU. Know what you want in life, love and from others. Be true to yourself. The key to all doors opening is within you. Never be fake or felonious about what you want. Pretending to like something when you don't. Not doing what you do enjoy because others don't like it. If you want a tatoo, then get one, stop worrying what so-n-so will think. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Write down a list of all the attributes you want in a partner, a job, a friend. Be genuine and don't waiver based on fear of what others may say or think.

*Be honest about WHO you are! Know who you are and be genuine about it. Never pretend to be something you are not just to win something or someone. It never works. Eventually the real you will seep through and others will be wondering what happened to that other person. How would you feel if someone posed as something completely different and when you're knee deep into a relationship with them, that person vanishes, and you're left with someone unrecogizable. We've all been through it, and we have all struggled to figure out "what went wrong?". Nothing went wrong. They were fictitious, not real. And you end up dumbfounded thinking you did something to shift the person. NOPE. They were not being honest. Always be who you are. Never wear a mask to fool others, it robs you of valuable time as you end up miserable in the end trying to keep up the facade. If you are always honest about who you are, you will find those who are like minded, and or compatible with you drawn to you. Being genuine is the best gift you can give yourself.

*Be honest about what you feel! How many times have you said, "Oh, that's okay" when it wasn't? How many times have you said "nothing's wrong" when something was? How many times have you lied and told someone their words or actions didn't bother you, when really you were seething? May I ask why? Why would you not speak up for yourself. As I've said in other blogs, you need not explode. Being diplomtic, fair and acting and speaking with integrity will always get you further than remaining silent or vomiting your emotions all over the place. It's important that you speak your truth, express how you feel and not supress it. You will never get respect if you do not respect your own words, and feelings. You will never get what you want if you do not ask for it. If you fear not getting it, and fear rejection, staying silent will only prolong the time before you are eventually robbed of something you want. How many instances have their been when you felt something was wrong in a relationship, or it was moving in the direction you wanted it to, and stayed silent out of fear the other person would leave you if you spoke up, only to find yourself months, or a year down the road feeling abandoned when they leave anyway? When someone loves you, wants you and respects you, they will respect your words. They will listen. It's only when they have another agenda that you end up disappointed and/or hurt. Staying silent only delays the inevitable. Taking control of your life, speaking your piece and being true to yourself and your desires gets you very far!

*Be honest with yourself about the situation! Seeing a situation in a true light makes it difficult for others to pull the wool over your eyes. Too many times we believe what we want to believe when all the signs are there that something is not authentic or healthy. We tell ourselves how busy our man is that is why he can't call...A phone call only takes a moment, you'd make time for him, wouldn't you? How many times have we made excuses for someone's bad behavior? Have you ever convinced yourself that you were in love yet you walk around crying sad, angry or hurt all the time. Love shouldn't hurt. Love doesn't make you insecure. Love doesn't enjoy your tears flowing every 5 minutes. Be realistic. If there is lipstick on his collar, it's not his mothers. If he hasn't called in 2 weeks, don't blame his job. If he isn't committing, stop listening to others tell you "he's been hurt before"...we've all been hurt before, get over it. That doesn't make someone a commitment phobe, it may make them cautious and a bit guarded but it doesn't make them a player. Wake up! See the situation for what it really is, not what you "believe" it to be. If you've only had one date, don't start fantasizing about the wedding. Stop worrying if he/she likes you, and figure out if you like them before you start printing the invitations. Be honest with yourself about the situation, and the decisions you make, and the action you take.

*Be honest about your limitations! This is actually a huge one. I cannot tell you how many people do not go for their dreams, or head for their goals because SOMEONE ELSE told them they couldn't do it. Never listen to what others tell you that you CAN'T do. You can do anything your heart desires. Some people who give you advice are actually exhibiting their own fear by saying you can't do it. They would never have the guts to do it, and they can't fathom what it would be like to have that job, move to that city, or marry that man will only give you grief. Never listen to others telling you what your limitations are. If there is a will there is a way. If your mind can conceive it, and your heart can believe it, then you will achieve it. Be honest about what may be limited in doing. If time is an obstacle or money, then set a goal for a time table (i.e. by August I will do this...) or set a goal for a budget or savings. If you see a limitation, figure out a way to remove that obstacle, the proceed ahead!

Being honest is the key to everything. If you never lie to yourself, about yourself, to others or reality, you will never have one excuse to make, or apology. You will seldom disappoint others or yourself. You will not create obstacles on your path. Honesty opens doors, and allow light to shine on your own happiness and destiny!

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