About Lisa

     I was born in Massachusetts, and even though at the age of 11 we moved to Arizona, I will forever be a Boston Girl at heart!  I have been blessed with 4 amazing children, although they are amazing they were quite the handful through the years.  But, I wouldn't have traded if for the world.  Out of all the things I've accomplished in my life, being a mother has been the best experience of my life. It not only filled my house with love and laughter, it assisted me in evolving, growing up, learning so many things I had never even realized I needed to learn. 

     I am a intuitive empathic, and I feel energy and there is an internal knowing when I connect with spirit.  I am NOT, in my opinion, a psychic!  What happens when I connect with spirit, or I should say when it chooses to connect with me, is difficult to explain.  Words tend to fall out of my face (no, my voice doesn't change, nor do I go into a trance).  I'm asked a question and if I allow the words to flow without thought, hesitation, or even analytical rational to enter, the reading is quite profound.  But, even I do make errors.  I am human first, a mother second, and an empath third.  If I second guess what I'm saying then I can really get in my own way, much like many other people. 

     The internal knowing is an inner voice that speaks louder than I do, and, ALL THE TIME!  This voice never shuts up.  It's a constant nudge to pay attention, and it's almost as though I have a siamese twin attached to me that has an insatiable need to be heard.  It's difficult to shut off, so intead, I choose to ignore it most of the time unless I am in a reading or seeking insight or guidance into my own situations.

     Many ask, "If you can read people so well why are you divorced? Why were wrong about some friendships? Why did this or that happen to you?"  The answer is very simple....I ignored the voice.  I heard it, there were warnings, there was internal dialogue going on that was literally screaming at me, but like many people who walk this earth that have wishes, fears and worries, you pass it off as that little voice isn't intuition but those fears or wishes speaking.  Even today it's nearly impossible to read myself, though I've in the 47 yrs of walking on this earth I have gotten better at following this voice or simply not reacting and being still until I am nudged to do so.

     I can't tell you when I realized I was empathic. Up until I was 35 I didn't even know there was a word for it. I thought empaths were psychics, and a psychic could see all.  I thought those who had the gift saw a movie playing before their eyes, or heard voices that were quite different from their own.  These people see dead people, hear dead people, and could predict great things well into the future. I couldn't do that.  What I was experiencing didn't match my image of what a intuitive is.  My experiences were I would hear MY OWN voice, not anyone elses...I saw light and colors that no one else could, but I just thought it was an eye problem lol.  My body would react to energy in a way that resembled parkinson's.  My hands would shake, or my head would pound, my voice would either raise or crack, my senses would be heightened and I was acutely aware.  At times I would feel compelled to break into tears and would feel an insane amount of sadness, happiness, or confusion.  After having my blood sugar checked time and again, and having no explanation for it, I passed it off as some exotic disease, possibly a brain tumor.  I had grown up with these feelings my entire life.  My mother referred to me as, "a nervous child".  It wasn't until my first child, Tommy, was born that I realized this was something much more.  I began to research what I was feeling, hearing, seeing and experiencing and that led me to the Psychic Eye Institute in 1989.  I just wanted to learn how to control it.  And here I am 23 yrs later and have very little control over it. I can't turn it on, I can't turn it off, and much like my children, it comes and goes as it pleases lol.  I have, however, learned to acclimate to it, and recognize when I am becoming overloaded and overwhelmed and have practices, such as saging and chakra cleansing that I use to release the energy that seems to stick to me like fly paper.

     Although I do enjoy spiritual reading and counseling and assisting others with the answers they seek, my true passion is Life Coaching and Stategist.  Nothing feels more rewarding than assisting someone get back on their feet of their own accord.  The joy someone feels when they've learned the tools to bring more bliss, happiness, love, connection, clarity and abundance into their lives is far better than when I see someone get that phone call they've been asking about.  Self esteem and value in the self is intensely important and many don't recognize this.  Without self esteem and self worth you will constantly make poor decisions, suppress your voice, be abused and/or abuse others, fail constantly, doubt yourself, get off path, not have the life you truly dream of....the list is endless.  And at one time or another we all lose our way, and for some, like me, the spirit takes a huge hit, and rebuilding is an ardenous task.  But when you're determined, and you are focused and you really do love yourself and want peace within, you will do the work.

     It took me years and years to get back on my feet.  I do not profess to know all.  Especially when it comes to my own life. I had baggage, and I had issues. It wasn't until I cleaned out all those emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual closets and having the courage to piss off a few people by saying, "NO!" or "Goodbye" or "Enough!" and listened to that little voice inside of me that I started to turn things around.  Even a life coach needs a life coach and I was very blessed to find mine who not only had a compassionate hand, but a firm one.  I then began my path to life coaching and an 18 mth program turned into a 3 year journey for me to become certified.  Yes, I got sidetracked quite a few times and thrown off path, but I always went back to it.

     I could've peppered this post with all my credentials, all my accomplishments, how many times I've been tested, my degree's, blah blah blah, but I find them tedious, and quite honestly there aren't many.  I have maybe 3.  I've studied and trained for years, my life experience speaks for itself, my internal knowing and the intuitive insight I've given to others speaks volumes, and if asked for documentation, I can give it.  I just prefer to be seen as who I am and I give my all to what I give to my clients.

Blessings, Lisa

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