Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Finding Your Inner Goddess

Women are beautiful! It matters not your shape, your size or your ethnic background, you ARE beautiful!!! 

Due to images created by the media, advertisers and the like, we are conditioned to believe that perfect teeth and perfect breasts are the traits which define beauty.  We kill ourselves to create that which has been thrust upon us, and subliminally, and not so subliminally, embedded into our psyche to BE THAT!  When, really, if you think about it, you are already perfect and already exuding beauty on so many levels.  If you feel beautiful, you will then exude this, and others will see you in that light.  The same holds true for the negative.  When you have a negative view of your own beauty, you will exude this as well, and others will see you as ugly.

Defining what beauty is can be difficult.  The phrase beauty is in the eye of the beholder rings truth.  For how many times have we heard how gorgious someone is, only to meet them or see them and not see what all the hoopla is about?  How many times has a friend come to you boasting about the adonis she's dating only to see them and wonder wtf???? 

Beauty is in all how you feel, not in how you look.  I will say it again, and I will re-iterate this point over and over consistantly in this blog as to embed this into your psyche and push out the advertisers implantation, but beauty is within and exudes out.

A woman, created perfectly by a higher power, is a goddess. She is an amazing combination of flesh, and bone, blood and sweat, intuition and creation, weaved together to form perfection.  She is the epitome of femininity, and she gives birth and life to anything she touches.  She is a nurturer, maternal and compassionate, yet when crossed can turn vicious and cutting.  She is protective and fierce and stronger than any man.  She has the capacity to do as men do, yet more.  There is nothing a man can do that a woman cannot. I can even pee my name in the snow, yes it's messy, but I CAN do it.  However, men cannot give birth.  It's something only we females can do, and we do it well!  We give birth and procreate constantly. Not just offspring supplying the planet with individuals, but also with inspiration.  We are a creative, inspirational, motivational, supportive and empowering collective force.  Either solitary or in a group, we hold power! 

To feel beautiful and to exude your beauty you must tap into your inner goddess.  Every woman, I do not care where you are or who you are, has an inner goddess. It is your birthright. It is WHO you are.  Tapping into this entity isn't difficult, but finding her and becoming one with her when you haven't even met her can be a task. 

Ways to find and be one with your inner goddess...


I could outline many ways in which one meditates, but for those of you who know the drill, I need not outline it. For those of you who do NOT know how, I won't confuse you with a bunch of technical mumbo jumbo. I will give you simplistic and easy ways to achieve meditation without sending you off to buy books, google positions and spend countless, unnecessary dollars investing in meditation when you have the power and capacity to achieve this all on your own.

It's difficult to meditate at first. When we sit, and be still and quiet our minds we are shocked to discover our mind never shuts the hell up. It's constantly flowing with information, a never-ending internal dialogue that if we were relaying it outwardly using our voice would chase even the most patient listener away from us.  So learning to quiet this is a challenge. And it does require time.  Do not TRY to shut it up, the more you try the more you will talk to yourself and make yourself not only mental, but fatigued.  Here's the basics:

1. Find your sacred physical space: A beach, your room, anywhere you feel comfortable and at ease. It should be quiet and serene void of clutter and distraction.

2.  Sit in lotus position, indian style, in a comfy chair, or laydown, it matters not, but not so comfortable you fall asleep.  You'll be sitting for 15 minutes or more, so it should be comfortable as to not have you fidgeting with discomfort and pulling you out of meditation.

3.  Breathing is important. Take a few deep breaths, closing your eyes and visualizing the stresses in your life being pushed out when you exhale.  Inhale deeply, pulling in positive energy through your nose, down your throat and filling your lungs with peace and serentity.  Don't rush this process. Take your time.

***It's important to note, do not rush through each step.  The point of meditation is to quiet the mind and to rest the body so you are rejuvenated spiritually.  In doing this, in taking your time and being still, with practice, message will flow. Answer to your plaguing questions are made apparent.  Take your time.******

4. Once comfortable, and centered (outlined above) Sit in silence. Do not ask yourself any questions so you may avoid monkey mind.  Just sit, be still. Focus on your breathing and feeling everything that plagues you falling away.  I hum sometimes, raising the energy within. Humming is a great way to raise spiritual energy and it keeps your mind clear.  It raises your vibration and this helps to push out the low vibration emotions you carry within.  Just sit, quieting the mind and focus on your breathing, the blood running through your veins. Visualize this if you can.  Somehow when I visualize the heart pumping and blood flowing, I become revitalized.

5. If you know the Chakra points, as you meditate you can run through each chakra, giving it a cleanse and a charge. (I will be doing a section on Chakra's soon). 

This is a simple, basic excersise to help you get into meditation. The most difficult part of this is quieting the mind. For me, it was a challenge, to say the least.  But as you become more adept you will find other focus's and you will explore many techniques. Most important in your spiritual development is finding what works for you. 


Creating a sacred space isn't difficult, it's actually rather fun.  Most create it in elaborate fashion by Feng Shui or other properties that help create a positive flow through their home, but this, too, can be costly.  However, you do NEED a scared space of some kind where you can go and just "be".   This space can be a guest bedroom, bathroom, or even a corner in one of your rooms that is just your "peace nook" (as I call it). 

Setting up this space should be fun.  Have your favorite candles; journal; little, healthy snacks that won't perish (I have hot tamales lol), and flowers.  Anything that just exudes peace and contentment for you.  Those small, zen fountains you find at walmart are wonderful, and cheap.  Having all the elements (earth: a small bowl of blessed sea salt or sand; air: incense: fire: a candle; water: the fountain or even a glass of water) helps to balance the nook and keep you focused on just what that space is for.  Do not allow any dust to accumulate, keep it clean and tidy.  It's difficult to focus on relaxing when it's cluttered with junk.  Have some of your gems, crystals and stones around.  Just make it comfortable.

Some people seem to relate to one element more strongly than others, and some, like me, are interchangable.  Sometimes I'm drawn to water, other times my space changes a lot.  And when I find myself drawn to certain elements I try to recognize this, and the message in it. 

As you sit in your sacred space you should reflect, you should go there to journal.  This is the best way to find out WHO you are; WHAT you want in your life; WHERE you want to go; WHY you are where you are. Relection is key to finding out your patterns, in finding out your patterns, you can then see the errors you've made, or the wise choices and build or remove what you wish to fix and what you wish to manifest.  You see the power is all up to you. But you can't find those things until you find the goddess within.


This has to be one of the best ways to find out all about yourself.  When you write your thoughts on a page, and feel safe doing so, you express who you really are. You're not concerned about how others perceive you and you worry not about judgments that can hinder you. 

It's important that you be candid.  You should have more than one journal.

1.  Gratitude Journal: This journal is where you show your gratitude and appreciation for those things that have had a positive effect on you, or if it was a negative effect, giving thanks for the "lesson" you learned through anything negative truly helps with finding your inner goddess and your evolution from mundane "you" to "goddess".  Be thankful, and never write anything negative in this journal.

2.  Your Daily Journal: You need not write in this all the time, but you should try to put some thoughts in it each week.  If you want to be long winded, then do so, it doesn't matter. My journals have helped me immensely. They are very cathartic and venting on a page is better than road rage any day!

3.  Law of Attraction Journal: This journal is great because it's basically your wish list of what you want to attract, create, build or manifest in your life.  Remember when you were little and write in your diary: "When I grow up I'm going to marry a guy named Bruce and we'll have 2 children; a boy and a girl, and a dog named tiffany."? Well this is how you should write in this journal. You write your wishes and what it is you want as if you WILL have them, calling them into the universal law, and having it manifest without little effort.  You will notice when you write as if it's already happened, such as "When I get married..." (never IF I get married), you will see opportunities start to line up; meeting a great person, etc...and it's up to YOU to seize these opportunities. You're input IS required.

By journaling you are purging the ick and making room for the bliss.  So journal as much as you can or feel like it, and you will start to learn things about yourself you never knew existed!  This is your goddess peeling off her mask and unveiling herself to you!


Speaking your truth is the be all and end all of inner peace.  Some mistake giving their opinion is speaking their truth. Others think judging others is their inner truth. BOTH are harmful to not only the self by perpetuating negative, but to those you inflict your "truth" upon.  Your "truth" is speaking what you feel, not pushing your thoughts and feelings or even observations on another.  Your truth is an expression of what you believe about YOURSELF.  What  I mean by this is when someone judges you, or is pushing their opinion onto you (regarding you) and they say things like "you always do this...or're not a very nice person" it is YOUR job to correct them.  You need not fight with anyone, and sometimes being still can be the best choice with someone who is obstinant and closed minded, then you make a note not to be around this person, but here are a few examples of speaking your truth:

1.  Do not do anything you do not want to do unconditionally.  That means, if someone asks a favor, make it clear if it's conditioned or unconditioned.  If you agree to help someone move, and you are doing so because you need help with something, SAY THAT...Tell them, "I'll be glad to help you, if you're willing to assist me later" (conditioned).  "I'll be happy to help you, it's my pleasure" (unconditioned).  Too many times people do things for others because they have an agenda, they want something back.  They didn't say that, of course not, it looks rude lol, but they then resent that person when they help said person with something and the other person doesn't return the favor.  So it's usually best to assist others when you expect NOTHING in return!

2.  Never say yes, when you mean no.  If you have a fight with someone and you make up and they ask if you two are in a good place now, but you're feeling there are still unresolved issues you need to discuss, then your answer should be "NO".  If someone asks you to babysit and you just don't like kids, then say NO.  If your mother wants your entire family, all of 6 of you to come to her tiny apartment for Christmas, and it's a pain in the ass, SAY NO.  Don't do anything you don't want to do. Because, again, it breeds contempt and resentment. And you can't blame another for making you feel that way when it was YOU who should've spoken up. So it's YOUR fault, not theirs.

3.  Do not succumb to peer pressure. Now all of these things so far surround around saying NO to things, notice that.

4.  Never pretend to be anything you're not. The only reason people do this is to either appear more interesting to others, or to seek validation (one in the same, I think).  It's pointless to do this because you can only keep up this facade for so long before you expose yourself and your lie, or someone else exposes you.  Just be who you are. If you don't like to go to the gym, then don't go, find what feels right for you (yoga, swimming, walks). You need not follow others paths, just your own.

5.  Don't argue with people who are idiots.  This is a big one. Why prove yourself to people who don't listen; fight over everything; boss you around; are jealous?  It's such a waste of time.  Say nothing and walk away.

6.  Get rid of the clutter in your life. This means anything piling up. A bad relationship, clothes in your closet you haven't worn since high school, old love letters from someone you loathe, people who grate on you or are unhealthy. Once you purge this shit from your life, you will feel lighter.

Speaking your truth and living by the guidelines and moral code you have within, and no one elses IS your truth. It's your moral code and your moral obligation to the self!

Once you do the few simple things I've outlined above, you will set into motion more actions; thoughts; and words that will inspire you into motivation.  It will ignite in you this shift, and a quest to find MORE of what brings you peace and solitude.  Once you hit upon the foundation of who you are, that cement base that YOU are built upon, you can then start your renovation from human to goddess. Once you start to tap into her, you immediately, in seconds, start to transform and change and the beauty is recognized, you exude it, and now it's a bright beacon of light shining forth from within and screaming: I AM BEAUTIFUL!