Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's All About Me!

Knowing yourself is the key to getting what you want.  Many think they know who they are, but do they really?

There is a lot of lip service with people.  But I have to say this or I'll bust....PEOPLE TELL YOU WHO THEY ARE WITH THEIR ACTIONS, NOT THEIR WORDS!!!! It's true what they say, "actions speak volumes". If someone speaks the words I love you yet they cheat on you, disrespect you, abuse you, or lie to you, this person does NOT love you.

You have got to know who you are before you can set boundries.  Before you can get what you desire, you must first know what it is you want.  If you ever want the respect, love and reputation you rightfully deserve, you have to know what it is you are made of.   This is what life lessons are for.  Each lesson, each step you take, whether it be positive or negative, is a stepping stone to finding out who you are, what you are, where you are.  Each step you take, you are making a choice, and that choice is going forward or going backward.  Standing still in the phase of a lesson is never going to happen. You either progress or regress. 

Knowing youreslf takes a alot of work.  When you're in your teens, you are TOLD who you are.  Your parents, teachers, friends, everything that surrounds you within this shaping period dictates your likes and dislikes.  It is setting a foundation, and tragically, many find they lose who they are around this time due to peer pressure or just wanting to belong.  That is what your teen years are for.  Then you enter your twenties...Ah those fabulously, firm 20's!!!  This is when you get a hint of rebellion. Your wings are sprouting and like a baby bird in it's nest you're attempting to take flight.  You flap your wings, and though you crash to the ground, you do have the flexibility and that air of invincibility to recover quickly.  You are learning your own likes and dislikes, yet the conditioning set by your adolescence and parental units still have a hold on you.  You still seek validation from these people and risk disappointment.  So we tend to, in our 20's, go back and forth and just seem completely rebellious, or, for lack of a better word, bipolar.

Then we enter our 30's.  As Madea says, " a light bulb comes on at 30, and if it doesn't, check your bulb...check your bulb". It's during this time that we learn to say no. Maybe not as firmly as we should, but we do say it.  We start to defy those who have tried to control us.  We've finally figured out what our favorite color is and what it is we truly enjoy.  We are a bit shaky still as we do still have doubts about being all grown up.  I honestly felt like a 16 yr old trapped in a 30 year old body at this age.  My body was aging and it was becoming more in tune with energy, but my mind still wanted to go to a carnival and experience that 20 yr old rebellion.  The 30 years are meant for you to outline your goals and set priorities.  If married, you are starting to want some autonomy. If you have children, you are giving your all to raising them.  But there is this knowing within you during these years, and following the next 10 yrs, that grows and grows and you are now starting to really, truly define who you are...

Then come the 40's...You start to see your mortality and things become so much more important.  You are threw dicking around and now it's time to get to business. You don't know WHAT it is you really want, but you do have definite ideas about what you DON'T want.  And many people take a terrible turn at this juncture and I'll tell you why.  Because when you guide yourself by what you DON'T want, you are sure to manifest it and draw it into your life time and time again.  You should be focusing on what you DO want and take that focus and apply it to your daily life.  I cannot tell you how many people regress at this time, and I truly feel this is why there are mid life crisis and the need for prozac.  We are our worst enemies at the age of 40 because we fear growing old, empty nest syndrome, husbands cheating because our breasts aren't as firm, our asses less taunt. But I am here to tell you that it's during this time in your life, when you should no longer focus on the outside but the inside instead.  For focusing on your insides, and becoming at peace with who you are will bring forth joy, and if you feel joyous, you will exude it.  Confidence is sexy as hell.  Think about it. When you see a confidant man, it's an aphrodisiac, it's enticing and sensual.  A confident woman makes a man's pants tighter, trust me. 

As time goes by we contiue to learn our lessons, take our steps, but you have to realize it's about you. Not anyone else. YOU!  No one else is going to bring you happiness.  Many people mistake their happiness is dependent upon their partner, their job, etc...It's not.  It LENDS to your happiness, but it is not the reason for it.  The reason you feel so empowered when you are in love is not due to the presence of another person, or the actions of said person, (pay attention for there's a HUGE epiphany about to hit you lol)...The reason you feel so confident, at peace, in control and abundant is because YOU FEEL GOOD...when you feel good you exude that, you manifest more of it. That is why when someone falls in love and they are skipping around with moonbeams in their eyes, they are nicer, calmer and paying it forward, they are productive, they are compassionate, they are not easily triggered, they are optimistic and positive and exuding this on every level thereby attracting more...And when love falls apart, all those emotions are the exact opposite, which thereby illicits more negative and hits you. It's usually during this time when someone says, "it can't get any worse" because it's one cluster fuck after another, and it's due to the energy your body, mind and spirit is permeating and perpetuating.

It's all about you. No one else. No one else is responsible for how you feel. YOU are. So if you're responsible, by tolerating injustice, disrespect, being taken advantage of or being a doormat, is never going to give you what you want. Feeling good and behaving in a joyous place is the key to attracting more.  Setting boundries and STICKING TO THEM is imperative to your own evolution and manifestation of the positive that is abundant and at your grasp. 

Accomodating those who mistreatment and seeking validation in others is an obstacle in life. It's a huge blockage for success and prosperity.  Only one person need validate you....YOU!

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